June 2012

Africa’s 20 most powerful young women (Under 45)
Since today is International women day, I went searching for what the next generation of African women will look like. Lucky enough, I found the following list on globalpost and i urge all y'all to stand up and support this amazing women....
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Top 4 Hunger Stats
Top 4 Hunger Stats Every year, authors, journalists, teachers, researchers, schoolchildren and students ask us for statistics about hunger and malnutrition. To help answer these questions, we've compiled a database of useful facts and figures on world hunger. TOP 4 HUNGER...
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War According To Soldiers!!!
War According To Soldiers!!! A journalist friend of mine once told me that the media only covers "what's new"!! Thus, since wars have been here for ages, i was not surprised that most of us are not very well informed...
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Politics and Religion – Are the two the same?
When you talk to majority of Africans, you will instantly realize that they either hold strong emotions for or against politics. Some embrace politics and others simply hate it! They argue that politics is a nasty and dirty thing and...
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Origins and Foundations of Inequality Among Men
Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origins and Foundations of Inequality Among Men (1755) scandalised many eighteenth-century readers in its evisceration of reason and civilisation. It contains at its core the argument that the establishment of political society, coupled with the advancement of reason,...
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Ideology died on November 10th 1989, under the weight of hammers and pick-axes, with the fervour of 44 years of rage and the assassins dressed in stone-washed jeans. As we all watched the Berlin Wall collapse and hands meeting across...
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Intra-trade in Africa
Right now, Africa is the poorest continent in the world. Roughly 2-3% of global trade goes through Africa. The world GDP in 2011 was 69.6 trillion dollars, and yet that of the entire continent of Africa was 1.9 trillion dollars...
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African Holocaust
The Herero and Namaqua Genocide in Namibia. April being genocide awareness and prevention month, The African Perspective has been running various stories with the goal of highlighting a number of sensitive situations in the motherland and the effects of wars and genocide. As...
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