We are Nilotic


























The women, children and elderly of South Sudan are struggling to survive in a corrupt patriarchal system and culture that exists today.

These are the oppressed people of South Sudan. Daily issues are left ignored and pushed aside by the patriarchal elites. The most oppressed of them all is the South Sudanese woman. She has no voice within her own country. She has no protection or human rights when it comes to South Sudanese laws. Her womb has produced the nations within South Sudan and yet she has no visibility in their laws, governments, education and health system.
























The South Sudanese woman suffers greatly in times of war. War itself is patriarchal in nature and the woman suffers as a result. Her body is used to exert control among the masses. She’s raped, molested and beaten to show the rest of the population the dangers of disobedience. Since the recent political upheaval in the country, women of South Sudan have suffered greatly. Most women gave birth in refugee camps constructed by the United Nations. Young girls are menstruating in presence of men and boys, which is a shame within the culture. Due to the nature of the war, everyone is forced to be in one location which fosters the mistreatment and shaming of women intensifies.

Women are the solution in South Sudan. They are the future. South Sudan has to invest in women to see a prosperous future. Women in the diaspora have seen the suffering of their own sisters in the young country. They understand the systemic oppression that stifles progress. Young South Sudanese women from different tribal backgrounds from the diaspora came together as one. They came from diverse educational backgrounds and as well from the entertainment industry. All this is thanks to Nykhor Paul, an International South Sudanese Model residing in United States.

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Nykhor Paul is a woman who is passionate about her country and people. She understands their suffering. Nykhor was born in a refugee camp in Ethiopia. She lived there until she came to United States at a tender age. The conflict that occurred in December 15, 2013 hit close to home. The very suffering and war she escaped is once again afflicting her people. She knew the women of South Sudan lacked a voice. Therefore she felt compelled to do something about the dire situation. Nykhor started a campaign called We Are Nilotic meaning people of the Nile.

We Are Nilotic is the voice of the voiceless women of South Sudan. We Are Nilotic, aims to unite the women of the 64 South Sudanesetribes to come together as one to combat issues such as tribalism, patriarchy and systemic oppression. We Are Nilotic is the voice of the young generation seeking change and justice in the new country. We Are Nilotic is devoted to bringing awareness to the issues affecting the South Sudanese communities in the diaspora and in Africa.

We Are Nilotic is the voice of the South Sudanese young generation. We are the change we seek.

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