June 2014

#KWIBUKA20: Let’s Talk Mental Health
Our community was greatly affected by the genocide and exposure to so many traumatic events that left so many children, women and men having to live with haunting memories and who have to find ways to cope with life and...
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The Persecution Of African Migrant Workers In Israel
Last week saw the beatings, public humiliation and slaughter of Ethiopian immigrants living and working in Saudi Arabia. The situation has been so bad that Ethiopian nationals from all over the world have been protesting in front of the gates of all...
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Random guy at the café
After endless trips and after having lost all interest in the ‘hunt’, I met a guy keen to talk to me at the popular Bridgehead Cafe that Elle and I had since labeled the prefect pick up spot. According to...
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Why African Canadians Ought To Be Politically Active
African Canadians and politics. As far as politics is concerned, blacks are one of the least participants as both an electorate and candidates.  As candidates, we are the most visible yet fringe candidates. The most recent Ontario elections in 2011...
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Nigeria Wins Under 17 World Cup
Today, Nigeria’s Under 17 National Team, the Golden Eaglets, became the first team ever to win the FIFA U-17 World Cup (four times) when they defeated Mexico. The Golden Eaglets are indeed the “Brazil” of the FIFA Under 17 competition...
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Emmanuel Jal on the South Sudan crisis
On December 15th 2013, the world woke up to the news of a supposedly “coup” in the worlds youngest nation. Violence immediately broke out in Juba and thousands of civilians; men, women and children were put to the sword. While...
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