June 2015

Repatriation Of The Mind
Being a Ras in the Diaspora, repatriation occupies a big place in my conversation, but not all are ready to hear about it, let alone pursue it. Even some who declare Rastafari seem unable to reach that ground. As I...
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4 Must Attend Festivals in Africa
Nicknamed "the friendliest festival on the planet", the four-day event is held every year (Feb. 12-15 in 2015) in Stone Town, Zanzibar. The festival focuses and promotes the Swahili coastal cultures of the East African regions of Kenya, Tanzania and...
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Who is in charge (personal mission?) By Mostafa Zommo
On page 24 of our first ever issue you'll find a six steps guideline for new graduates and anyone seeking to climb the corporate ladder. The story is inspired by Mr Mostafa Zommo, former Chief information officer (CIO) at a 100 Billion dollar...
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Interview with Dr. Richard Sezibera, EAC Secretary General
Interview with Dr. Richard Sezibera, EAC Secretary General Meet Dr. Richard Sezibera: East African Community (EAC) is one of the most vibrant regional blocks today! After long periods of skepticism and negativity this integration project has taken a turn. Currently, people in other African union ‘building...
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Financial Planning for Young Adults
Financial Planning for Young Adults; Tarcisse Ruhamyandekwe I landed in this country more than 20 years ago. As a young adult, I found that it was not that difficult to adapt to my new environment. However, I was bluntly wrong....
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Why Aren’t You A Vegan?
Let's talk about a topic so frequently overlooked, especially in our Afrikan spheres: the vegan diet! Yes, that stupid fad of refusing the consumption of animal products, as some would put it. You see, whenever It's dinner time and  I...
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The Emancipation Of Women… Speech By Thomas Sankara
You are our mothers, life companions, our comrades in struggle and because of this fact you should by right affirm yourselves as equal partners in the joyful victory feasts of the revolution. We must restore to humanity your true
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