August 2015

Interview with Prof. Grace Obado – Africa 2.0
Grace Obado was born and raised in Kenya. While she was in High School, she heard of a Spanish scholarship that no one from Kenya had been awarded in over ten years. She applied, and got it. Unfortunately, based on...
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Eastern Africa Diaspora Business Council
ABOUT The Eastern Africa Diaspora Business Council (EADBC) is a US-based non-governmental, membership-based organization. It was established in 2013 to promote the Diaspora’s role in the delivery of technology solutions for development challenges by leveraging trade and investment partnerships between the...
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Out-of-Field Teaching – Consequences of teachers teaching out of their field of study
Teachers assigned to teach lessons in which they are not experts is a universal problem. In the United States, 21% of English teachers and 28% of math teachers did not take English or Math (respectively) as a major nor minor...
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