November 2015

Interview with Sam Gichuru; CEO Nailab
Sam Gichuru is the CEO of Nailab, a Nairobi Kenya based business incubator and startup accelerator that offers a 3 - 6 month entrepreneurship program with focus on growing innovative technology driven ideas. Startups like Hisa play and Keja hunt...
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Obesity Among Kenyan and Canadian Children-By Dr Stella Muthuri
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Dr. Stella Muthuri research aimed at investigating the prevalence of, and factors associated with physical activity and overweight/obesity among school aged children in Kenya and Canada. This research involved examining the influence of social determinants of health such as school...
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Sickle Strong Initiative – Dr. Marie Ojiambo
I was born into a family of four (second born) children where my brother, our first born also suffers full-blown sickle cell disease. My two younger siblings do not suffer the condition, one having normal hemoglobin while the other is...
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