January 2016

LukSmart – An Online Marketplace for African fashion and Arts
Interview with Oliver Twagirayezu… The African entrepreneur behind Luksmart.com.  In recent years, African fashion has seen an exponential increase in popularity across the world. These days, it’s common to spot celebrities wearing clothes and accessories with an African touch. This...
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McGill University students host African Business Conference January 23rd 2016
PRESS RELEASE: McGill University students host African Business Conference January 23rd 2016 at EVO – Centre Ville in Montreal. Montreal, Quebec – The growth, potential and complexity of African economies is undeniable. On January 23rd, 2016 speakers from the world over will be...
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Tsitsi Ndangarembga – A cannon of African and feminist literature
A cannon of African and feminist literature Tsitsi Dangarembga is one of Africa's most recognized authors, filmmakers and cultural activists. While she first garnered international recognition for her novel, Nervous Conditions, which won the Commonwealth Literature Prize in 1989, she has...
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