November 2016

A new Tap Magazine issue is out now
New Tap Magazine Issue is out now Dear TAP family, a new issue of Tap Magazine is out now. Following the huge success of the last issue and all the positive feedback we’ve received since then, it is with great...
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Africa is Rising, They say! But is it really?
By every standard Africa’s economy is rising... Or is it? If it is really rising, how do we explain that 75% of the poorest nations in the world are located in Africa? That 620 million sub-Saharan Africans live without electricity?...
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9 Things you didn’t know about Africa
Here's 9 things you didn’t know about Africa. Originally published in TAP Issue six  Coffee – The coffee plant, which was discovered in Ethiopia in the 11th Century, is the world’s second most traded commodity today according to the global...
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