March 2017

Natural Hair 101 – How to care for & Grow your Natural Hair
As you’ve probably seen on the internets, naturalistas refer to it as a natural hair journey because it is indeed a journey. For many of us, we grew up with chemically altered relaxed hair and essentially had no idea of...
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How to Explore Africa’s Trillion-Dollar Agribusiness Opportunity
If you’re looking into the future, and have nursed a few thoughts about joining the agribusiness revolution on the African continent, this article will serve as a great introduction.
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Re-thinking the future of African cities | Christian Benimana
The increased pressure on cities demand immediate and exuberant action, we need to have a clear vision and start acting today to ensure that this is not a calamity in the making.
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Re-thinking the future of African cities | Christian Benimana
The increased pressure on cities demand immediate and exuberant action, we need to have a clear vision and start acting today to ensure that this is not a calamity in the making.
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African Design Centre opens in Kigali
African Design Centre; “Bauhaus of Africa” is a new educational program that seeks to address the current dearth of professional designers across the continent. ADC, which opened its doors in Kigali this past fall, aims to be a fellowship-based hub...
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Shad – My African Story
As debates about globalism rage across the West, I am one of many people for whom “country” and “home” could never be simple concepts. I can’t help but understand my African story as one bound up in a much larger...
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