April 2020

Congolese power vocalist - Alicios - of the hit song Mpita Njia and Posa ya bolingo is back with a new music video – NIAMBIE. The new single is set to feature on her upcoming album, Alfa.
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In a “New” Sudan, the Fight Against the Corona Virus Challenges an Old View of Africa as Passive Victim
The world reels and moans from the apocalyptic reality of the coronavirus epidemic. But many parts of Africa watch from the outside—as usual. This time, though, being on the margins (in terms of COVID-19 cases) is better than being in...
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Black Panther: Black by popular demand
Black Panther’s mission statement was simple, all black everything! Written and directed by Ryan Coogler a young black man from Oakland, California this film is Afrocentric by design. From the black writers to the cast all the way down to...
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The Future of African Diaspora with Eiman Kheir – Head of Diaspora Division at the African Union
Eiman Kheir, Head of Diaspora Division, Citizens and Diaspora Organizations CIDO) at the African Union discussed the future of African Diaspora with TAP Magazine including the official AU definition of who is an African diaspora and how her office is...
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Kenyan youths weigh the future
The staggering numbers of Kenyan youths wishing to flee abroad portrays a nation overwhelmed by a warp-speed downward spiral into economic despondency and risking a ruptured social system just as the young, brilliant, potential industry pioneers head abroad for what’s...
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I Know Why You’re Broke!
It is said that “A failure to plan, is a plan for failure.” Chances are you never planned to be wealthy, nor have you planned to not be broke! How often do you plan for the future?
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