Ilex Ribeiro

Nick Cannon: Black Hebrews and … Black Supremacy?
At the core of the religion of white supremacist racism is a fear of the dreaded supreme threat, which the creed determines to be the Black individual. The faithful, whether casual believers or extreme fundamentalists, all behave according to this...
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Love Letter to the culture
Love letter to the culture. Tonight I can’t sleep. I’m in my feelings. Yesterday was a good day, but I can’t get this off my mind. Forget all this tossing and turning; let’s rewind it a couple of months.
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What Should We Teach Afrikan Children?
We cannot do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. However, this is exactly what we are doing with the education of our children. African children, on the continent and evermore in the Diaspora, are taught...
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Why Aren’t You A Vegan?
Let's talk about a topic so frequently overlooked, especially in our Afrikan spheres: the vegan diet! Yes, that stupid fad of refusing the consumption of animal products, as some would put it. You see, whenever It's dinner time and  I...
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Happy Kwanzaa: The Black Christmas
The holiday period is here with many cultures celebrating Christmas, Hanukah, and Genna (Ethiopian Christmas) among others. However, it is quite alarming that few in our communities are aware of a holiday that is rightfully ours: Kwanzaa.
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