
Tap Speaks With Shad K; “The Art Of Story Telling”. Five Takeaways
Tap Speaks hosted its first ever live online event “The Art of Storytelling” with Shadrach Kabango. A Juno Award winning Rwandan/Canadian artist; Shad is one of Canada’s premier storytellers who has taken over the national/international scenes by showcasing his expressive,...
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The Exodus: Moses Gashirabake Journey back home
Since the 1994 Rwandan crisis, I had not had an opportunity to go back to Rwanda. My recent and first visit since 1994 happened in December 2014.We escaped to Kenya during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. We briefly passed...
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Afrikan Legal Heritage Before Colonization
Manden Kalikan and Kurukan Fuga; West Afrikan Legal Heritage Before Colonization  This is the Manden charter from 1222, as the Mansa (emperor or King of kings) of Mande (Mali) and Simbo (master hunter) Sundiata Keita enacted it. As you may have...
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Danielle Kadjo
I love to travel, to meet new people and also to learn about different cultures. In my spare time, I enjoy modeling and learning more about the latest fashion trends, drawing fashion sketches and sewing clothing.
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Leadership 101!!
What is leadership? Who is a leader? Are leaders only elected or anyone can be a leader? What does leaders do anyways? What do you think about when you hear the word "leaders"? Even more interesting, who do you think...
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Black Economics in North America
Black Economics in North America Does the American Dream exist in Black America or is it folklore as real as the Easter bunny? Six out of 500, which is a measly 1.2%, of the Fortune 500 companies have a black...
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African Diaspora, want to go back to Africa? Here’s your 5 options
Africa diaspora, so you want to go home, you’ve had it!!! Even Africa wasn’t this bad, not another winter!! I remember I said the same thing every year, for 14 years, until I went home in 2007. Still at home...
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Financial Planning for Young Adults
I landed in this country more than 20 years ago. As a young adult, I found that it was not that difficult to adapt to my new environment. However, I was bluntly wrong. The reality was that I didn’t know...
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Komi Olaf Interview, A Poets’ Poet
TAP; Was it much of a culture shock moving to Canada?KOMI; Of Course. But you adjust. For example, when I was in BC in High school, me and my cousin were the only black kids! That's a lot to take...
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Black “Mel Gibsons”
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