
Wealthiest Man In History Was An Afrikan; Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa Net Worth "Modern estimations credit King Mansa Musa with a net worth of 400 billion $ or 248 billion €, making him by far the richest man in recorded history and thus the ultimate king of ballers". Is...
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Open Letter To Victims Of The Westgate Attack
An open letter to victims of the #Westgate attack, to Kenyans and to fellow Muslims. Let me start by clarifying that I am a Muslim. I am proud to be one. I am born and raised Kenyan. I am proud...
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Massacre In Nairobi
Massacre In Nairobi For respect towards the victims and their loved one, TAP MAGAZINE is refraining from using severely disturbing images of the deceased victims. Hope you don't find any of the following images offensive and if you do, kindly...
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Kenya Fashion Week 2013 (Pictures by Nick Claus)
Now into its 4th season; Trendz Kenya Fashion Festival, Sub Saharan Africa's most beloved Fashion Event a Brain Child of Sonu Sharma has evolved to become Kenya Fashion Week. The event has become a focus for a broader base of...
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Masey, Young African taking French Rap By Storm In Canada
My artist name is Masey, real name Christian Masena. I was born on the 26th of June 1988 in Kinshasa DRcongo. I first came to Canada when I was 11 years old and went  back to Congo 2 years after...
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10 Leadership Tips from Steve Jobs
The 10 Lessons of Steve Jobs are excerpts from Walter Isaacson’s, “The Real Lessons of Steve Jobs,”
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Intra-trade in Africa
Intra-trade in Africa Right now, Africa is the poorest continent in the world. Roughly 2-3% of global trade goes through Africa. The world GDP in 2011 was 69.6 trillion dollars, and yet that of the entire continent of Africa was...
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Exclusive Interview With East Africa’s HipHop Sensation “VoodooSeller”
How many African Hip Hop artists do you know? Could you name five? Of those five, who is your favourite? While hiphop in America has slowly lost its cutting edge, or if your Nas "dead"! In Africa its the opposite....
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The gift; By Ntagara Nat
The sun rises brightly, gracefully and obediently shines on the hills of a nation appropriately dubbed the “ land of a thousand hills”; which is officially known as Rwanda. A nation once marked by genocide is tenaciously overcoming its past. I sit on...
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I Remember, Poem by Natacha Ntagara
I remember  I remember a time  when love didn't cost a dime  it's currency was heart, mind and soul nowadays the above are more relative fundamental principles for a crime  Today I have to facebook you,  follow you on twitter,...
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