TAP Team

We have put together a list of ten African scientists who have made strides in their fields of expertise and who you should make a point of reading about and sharing their work with your friends and family; and especially...
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The Africa We Want | A TAP Magazine Campaign
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Here at TAP, we are continuously striving to stimulate nuanced, vibrant, and dynamic conversations about Africa. Over the next 6 months we want to use our platform as a space to engage Africa’s youth to voice ideas and opinions about...
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Bank on Me: Breast Milk Donations to Help Vulnerable Kids
The importance of breast milk to infant nutrition is second to none. In fact, WHO in acknowledging the same has encouraged exclusive breastfeeding and skin-to-skin practice to reduce infant mortality rates and donated breast milk as the first alternative for...
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Codetrain – Bridging africa’s skills gap
Today, Nearly half of university graduates in Sub-Saharan Africa are unable to land jobs. The proliferation of smartphones, high speed internet and the digitization of our economy means that Africa will need a talent base that will possess the needed...
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Education and E-learning in Africa
Remember when you were in school and would literally count the days till the next holiday? For some of you that may be a statement filled with nostalgia since you have been out of school for a bit. For current...
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Covid_19 Impact on NGO’S in Africa – An Interview with Noëlla Musunka | Founder at Malaika ORG
As part of TAP Magazine Issue 14, we asked different leaders and expert to discuss how their specific fields, work and industries have been impacted by Covid_19. This is the interview, Noella Coursaris Musunka, founder of Malaika discusses how the...
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The African Perspective Magazine (TAP) today announced the acquisition of their first documentary series, the Returnees/Homecoming by the German Media powerhouse Deutsche Welle (DW). After the confirmation of this global distribution acquisition, DW is set to premier shortened versions of...
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Delasi – Thought Journey
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Before we met Delasi, our sources told us that he's been busy building a cult of his own in the underground alternative music scene in Accra. And although his music is played everywhere from BBC6, NRk, Rfi, CKUT Montreal, Worldwide...
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Congolese power vocalist - Alicios - of the hit song Mpita Njia and Posa ya bolingo is back with a new music video – NIAMBIE. The new single is set to feature on her upcoming album, Alfa.
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I Know Why You’re Broke!
It is said that “A failure to plan, is a plan for failure.” Chances are you never planned to be wealthy, nor have you planned to not be broke! How often do you plan for the future?
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