
Ummy The Cosmetics Bosslady
They say beauty is an energy that we all possess that comes from the soul and radiates through the skin and face. TAP had the pleasure of virtually interviewing the founder of Ummy Cosmetics on all things Ummy, what made...
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The African Perspective Magazine (TAP) today announced the acquisition of their first documentary series, the Returnees/Homecoming by the German Media powerhouse Deutsche Welle (DW). After the confirmation of this global distribution acquisition, DW is set to premier shortened versions of...
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The Future of African Diaspora with Eiman Kheir – Head of Diaspora Division at the African Union
Eiman Kheir, Head of Diaspora Division, Citizens and Diaspora Organizations CIDO) at the African Union discussed the future of African Diaspora with TAP Magazine including the official AU definition of who is an African diaspora and how her office is...
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Shukri Janagale
The fear of putting brush to canvas was something she had to get over in order to revert back to her natural state as a creative and  get back to her art after years .
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Rebranding Africa: Why we have to rebrand our ‘shithole’ continent
In the wake of comments made by the US president about Africa being a 'Shithole" continent. The African Perspective Magazine founder details why he started this platform and why we all need to rise up and join the fight to...
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Kundwa Doriane – Catching up with Miss Rwanda 2015
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In the next 5 years, I hope I can inspire more young Rwandans at home and abroad to start their own businesses or even follow their own dreams in the arts, academia, sports and other domains.
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Enheed – Connecting Ethiopian-Canadian youths with their homeland
I bought a one-way ticket and embarked on a journey that would take me home, mostly alone, without much of a safety net to hold me. I lived and worked in Ethiopia for four months. In that time, I was...
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African Diaspora: Here’s 5 things you need to do before vacationing home
Intro For the past two summers, I’ve visited Kenya. First, to  mainly see old friends and family; and on the second occasion, to explore a business idea. On both instances,  I’ve found that my stay could have been more convenient...
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Interview with Prof. Grace Obado – Africa 2.0
Grace Obado was born and raised in Kenya. While she was in High School, she heard of a Spanish scholarship that no one from Kenya had been awarded in over ten years. She applied, and got it. Unfortunately, based on...
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Eastern Africa Diaspora Business Council
ABOUT The Eastern Africa Diaspora Business Council (EADBC) is a US-based non-governmental, membership-based organization. It was established in 2013 to promote the Diaspora’s role in the delivery of technology solutions for development challenges by leveraging trade and investment partnerships between the...
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