
Ummy The Cosmetics Bosslady
They say beauty is an energy that we all possess that comes from the soul and radiates through the skin and face. TAP had the pleasure of virtually interviewing the founder of Ummy Cosmetics on all things Ummy, what made...
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100 Days of African fashion by Diana Opoti
After starting off as a platform to promote African fashion as more than just wax prints, the campaign has now grown to be an annual event that encompasses designers from all 54 countries.
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Make yourself a premium Clutch- Step by Step guide | TAP Magazine
Shopping comes easy for most of us; especially when seasons are changing and sales signs are plastered everywhere. But sometimes, no matter how hard you look, you can’t seam to find that IT thing you’ve been looking for. If you’re...
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LukSmart – An Online Marketplace for African fashion and Arts
Interview with Oliver Twagirayezu… The African entrepreneur behind  In recent years, African fashion has seen an exponential increase in popularity across the world. These days, it’s common to spot celebrities wearing clothes and accessories with an African touch. This...
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Meet Christelle Yambayisa – Rwandan/French model taking Europe by storm
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My name is Christelle Yambayisa, I was born in Rwanda but raised in Paris, France since I was a baby. I am a French citizen but I still have my African culture and roots with me because I spend a...
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How African Is “African Print” ?
    Now more than ever, African fashion is making its way into mainstream culture through what is commonly referred to as “African Print”. While the term serves for brevity, it does little to explain the many types of print...
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Fashion by Iman Nakhala
Fashion by Iman Nakhala Iman is not your typical African designer. Matter fact, she’s not even African. What she is though, is a young, extremely talented and passionate designer who is slowly making her mark in the fashion industry. That...
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Kenya Fashion Week 2013 (Pictures by Nick Claus)
Now into its 4th season; Trendz Kenya Fashion Festival, Sub Saharan Africa's most beloved Fashion Event a Brain Child of Sonu Sharma has evolved to become Kenya Fashion Week. The event has become a focus for a broader base of...
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African Fashion – Kenya’s Kiko Romeo Goes To London
Kenya's Kiko Romeo goes to London. After completing fashion design studies in Rome, followed by years working as a designer in Barcelona, Scottish born Ann McCreath took a three-month break doing aid work in Kenya. Finding it fascinating, she stayed...
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