Dar has so many options and places you can go to. If you get bored of one place you can go to the next, and its probably popping.. With Dar, variety is the key. As well, Dar people don’t seem...
I was never the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood, but a lanky, tall, dark girl with curly hair. At the age of 16, I overheard my uncle say to my mom, “Watch out for this one, wait until she...
The first time I heard of Mount Kilimanjaro was from my hippie middle school geography teacher in Addis, he shared pictures and stories of his adventure climbing the highest mountain in Africa and it looked like an absolute dream.
In the next 5 years, I hope I can inspire more young Rwandans at home and abroad to start their own businesses or even follow their own dreams in the arts, academia, sports and other domains.
Are you living a healthy sexual life? Sexuality is a central part of who we are as human beings. Our abilities and choices around reproduction, intimacy, and sexual expression are very crucial. The study of human sexuality as a science...
As you’ve probably seen on the internets, naturalistas refer to it as a natural hair journey because it is indeed a journey. For many of us, we grew up with chemically altered relaxed hair and essentially had no idea of...
The increased pressure on cities demand immediate and exuberant action, we need to have a clear vision and start acting today to ensure that this is not a calamity in the making.
The increased pressure on cities demand immediate and exuberant action, we need to have a clear vision and start acting today to ensure that this is not a calamity in the making.
African Design Centre; “Bauhaus of Africa” is a new educational program that seeks to address the current dearth of professional designers across the continent. ADC, which opened its doors in Kigali this past fall, aims to be a fellowship-based hub...
Black Foodie is an online platform that explores food through a Black lens, celebrating the best of African, Caribbean and Southern cuisine. We create & curate unique content, experiences and products that celebrate food & life from a Black perspective.