
TAP Magazine Issue 18 – Out Now
TAP Fam, Issue 18 of TAP Magazine is OUT NOW!! It is the largest body of work on the State of Podcasting in Africa. A labour of love and a collaboration with @afripods, this special issue has over 80 contributors...
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Chernor Bah | Leading the Global Feminist Revolution from Sierra Leone
Chernor Bah, from Sierra Leone, is one of the world’s leading Feminist activists. In 2018, Chernor led and helped create a movement called “The Black Tuesday” that helped push Sierra Leone to declare Rape a national emergency and thus change...
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We have put together a list of ten African scientists who have made strides in their fields of expertise and who you should make a point of reading about and sharing their work with your friends and family; and especially...
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The Africa We Want | A TAP Magazine Campaign
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Here at TAP, we are continuously striving to stimulate nuanced, vibrant, and dynamic conversations about Africa. Over the next 6 months we want to use our platform as a space to engage Africa’s youth to voice ideas and opinions about...
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Education and E-learning in Africa
Remember when you were in school and would literally count the days till the next holiday? For some of you that may be a statement filled with nostalgia since you have been out of school for a bit. For current...
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Anas Aremayew Anas – Why I Name, Shame and Jail
Anas Aremeyaw Anas is a Ghanaian investigative journalist whose motto is “Name, Shame and Jail” and is famous for utilizing his anonymity as a tool in his investigative armory, his work focuses on issues of human rights and anti-corruption in...
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A new Tap Magazine issue is out now
New Tap Magazine Issue is out now Dear TAP family, a new issue of Tap Magazine is out now. Following the huge success of the last issue and all the positive feedback we’ve received since then, it is with great...
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Africa is Rising, They say! But is it really?
By every standard Africa’s economy is rising... Or is it? If it is really rising, how do we explain that 75% of the poorest nations in the world are located in Africa? That 620 million sub-Saharan Africans live without electricity?...
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Akon Lighting Africa – Transforming Africa through Energy
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Akon Lighting Africa Akon and Thione Niang, the co-founders of Akon Lighting Africa with Samba Bathily, both grew up in Kaolack, Senegal, a town without electricity. It is their childhood memories and personal experience of a “life without light” that...
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Tap Magazine : A new issue has been released
Dear TAP family, It is with great honor that we bring you another issue of The African Perspective Magazine. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is our best issue yet and I am very excited to share it with you. We are thrilled and...
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