My African Story

My African Story: Neil Turok on growing up in Apartheid South Africa (Part 1)
Neil Turok, one of the most proficient scientists of our time takes us through his childhood growing up during apartheid in South Africa and in exile in Kenya and Tanzania.
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Johanna Omolo | My African Story and being A boy from the Dumpsite
When I go back, I know I am close to home whenever I start to smell and to be welcomed by the famous stink of Dandora garbage dump. It is unbearable.
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Anthony Gebrehiwot – My African story & life behind the lens
My parents met in Kenya many years ago,where my father was working as an electrician and my mother was running from the danger that was present in Rwanda at the time. I never had the luxury of meeting any of...
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Shad – My African Story
As debates about globalism rage across the West, I am one of many people for whom “country” and “home” could never be simple concepts. I can’t help but understand my African story as one bound up in a much larger...
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