
A Short Story About Genocide And Losing Faith In God By Sandra Hortence
I knew God. I sat with him at the dinner table before my meals. Every night, I brought him a towel to rest his knees on as I laid out my dreams and confessed my sins. Some days, I walked...
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Happy Kwanzaa: The Black Christmas
The holiday period is here with many cultures celebrating Christmas, Hanukah, and Genna (Ethiopian Christmas) among others. However, it is quite alarming that few in our communities are aware of a holiday that is rightfully ours: Kwanzaa.
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Religion and Nihilism
Nihilism as a philosophy seemed passé by the 1980s. Few talked about it in literature expect to declare it a dead issue. Literally, in the materialist sense, nihilism refers to a truism: “from nothing, nothing comes.” However, from a philosophical...
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Open Letter To Victims Of The Westgate Attack
An open letter to victims of the #Westgate attack, to Kenyans and to fellow Muslims. Let me start by clarifying that I am a Muslim. I am proud to be one. I am born and raised Kenyan. I am proud...
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Politics and Religion – Are the two the same?
When you talk to majority of Africans, you will instantly realize that they either hold strong emotions for or against politics. Some embrace politics and others simply hate it! They argue that politics is a nasty and dirty thing and...
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