African youth

The Emancipation Of Women… Speech By Thomas Sankara
You are our mothers, life companions, our comrades in struggle and because of this fact you should by right affirm yourselves as equal partners in the joyful victory feasts of the revolution. We must restore to humanity your true
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The Exodus: Moses Gashirabake Journey back home
Since the 1994 Rwandan crisis, I had not had an opportunity to go back to Rwanda. My recent and first visit since 1994 happened in December 2014.We escaped to Kenya during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. We briefly passed...
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African Diaspora, want to go back to Africa? Here’s your 5 options
Africa diaspora, so you want to go home, you’ve had it!!! Even Africa wasn’t this bad, not another winter!! I remember I said the same thing every year, for 14 years, until I went home in 2007. Still at home...
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Wars Against Women Female Genital Mutilation
The estimate worldwide is that more than 130 million girls and women have undergone the procedure of FGM. The origins of female circumcision or FGM have been lost in antiquity, but the practice remains prevalent in East and West Africa,...
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“University is better than College – Myth or Fact?”
University is better than College.” Most students, especially African students, have heard that phrase being used at one time or another. Maybe it was a piece of advice from parents… or a comment made by peers. We have all heard...
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