
KIM MAKIN | The Doors of Culture Shall be Opened
Kim Karabo Makin is a multidisciplinary Motswana artist who creates art with the intention to start conversations and to challenge and shift perspectives. In her latest work, “The Doors of Culture Shall Be Opened” an audio and visual exhibition, Kim...
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The Power of Art – In Conversation with The Muse Multi Studios
An example of an organization that is driven by the importance of Art in Africa is The Muse Creative Studios in Khartoum, Sudan. We had the privilege of speaking to them to learn more about Art in Sudan, and what...
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The Nafisa Project: A fashion Story
Sahar Arrayeh is a fashion Designer from Sudan. Once an orthopedic surgeon in London, she felt an urge to stay in Sudan when she visited the country late 2017 and decided to pursue her life long passion of being a...
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Shukri Janagale
The fear of putting brush to canvas was something she had to get over in order to revert back to her natural state as a creative and  get back to her art after years .
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