
Education and E-learning in Africa
Remember when you were in school and would literally count the days till the next holiday? For some of you that may be a statement filled with nostalgia since you have been out of school for a bit. For current...
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Covid_19 Impact on NGO’S in Africa – An Interview with Noëlla Musunka | Founder at Malaika ORG
As part of TAP Magazine Issue 14, we asked different leaders and expert to discuss how their specific fields, work and industries have been impacted by Covid_19. This is the interview, Noella Coursaris Musunka, founder of Malaika discusses how the...
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What Should We Teach Afrikan Children?
We cannot do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. However, this is exactly what we are doing with the education of our children. African children, on the continent and evermore in the Diaspora, are taught...
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African Design Centre opens in Kigali
African Design Centre; “Bauhaus of Africa” is a new educational program that seeks to address the current dearth of professional designers across the continent. ADC, which opened its doors in Kigali this past fall, aims to be a fellowship-based hub...
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Africa is Rising, They say! But is it really?
By every standard Africa’s economy is rising... Or is it? If it is really rising, how do we explain that 75% of the poorest nations in the world are located in Africa? That 620 million sub-Saharan Africans live without electricity?...
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Out-of-Field Teaching – Consequences of teachers teaching out of their field of study
Teachers assigned to teach lessons in which they are not experts is a universal problem. In the United States, 21% of English teachers and 28% of math teachers did not take English or Math (respectively) as a major nor minor...
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New Graduates – Here’s your 6 tips for climbing up the Corporate Ladder
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Are you a recent graduate looking for your first gig in the corporate world or are you currently in an entry level position and stuck behind a "cubic" at a large organization/corporation? If you answered yes to both questions, I'm...
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“University is better than College – Myth or Fact?”
University is better than College.” Most students, especially African students, have heard that phrase being used at one time or another. Maybe it was a piece of advice from parents… or a comment made by peers. We have all heard...
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