
Building a Strong Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Africa and Abroad
There is no better time to start than now, the opportunities and benefits that come with creating a strong start-up ecosystem in Africa and abroad are endless.
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How to Explore Africa’s Trillion-Dollar Agribusiness Opportunity
If you’re looking into the future, and have nursed a few thoughts about joining the agribusiness revolution on the African continent, this article will serve as a great introduction.
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100 Days of African fashion by Diana Opoti
After starting off as a platform to promote African fashion as more than just wax prints, the campaign has now grown to be an annual event that encompasses designers from all 54 countries.
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Interview with Sam Gichuru; CEO Nailab
Sam Gichuru is the CEO of Nailab, a Nairobi Kenya based business incubator and startup accelerator that offers a 3 - 6 month entrepreneurship program with focus on growing innovative technology driven ideas. Startups like Hisa play and Keja hunt...
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Exclusive Interview with Mr.Esayas Woldemariam, MD. Ethiopian Airlines International
Through our strategically located hub in Addis Ababa, our passengers can connect to 49 cities in Africa with minimum layover in Addis. Hence it is plausible to call Ethiopian, Africa’s Gate Way
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New Graduates – Here’s your 6 tips for climbing up the Corporate Ladder
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Are you a recent graduate looking for your first gig in the corporate world or are you currently in an entry level position and stuck behind a "cubic" at a large organization/corporation? If you answered yes to both questions, I'm...
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