
Bank on Me: Breast Milk Donations to Help Vulnerable Kids
The importance of breast milk to infant nutrition is second to none. In fact, WHO in acknowledging the same has encouraged exclusive breastfeeding and skin-to-skin practice to reduce infant mortality rates and donated breast milk as the first alternative for...
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In a “New” Sudan, the Fight Against the Corona Virus Challenges an Old View of Africa as Passive Victim
The world reels and moans from the apocalyptic reality of the coronavirus epidemic. But many parts of Africa watch from the outside—as usual. This time, though, being on the margins (in terms of COVID-19 cases) is better than being in...
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Are you living a healthy sexual life?
Are you living a healthy sexual life? Sexuality is a central part of who we are as human beings. Our abilities and choices around reproduction, intimacy, and sexual expression are very crucial. The study of human sexuality as a science...
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Mono Eating: Secret to Better Food Digestion
Mono eating is something that many people have done albeit having never heard of the term. Mono, in Greek translates to “alone or single”. When applied to eating, mono eating simply means eating one type of food per serving.
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Obesity Among Kenyan and Canadian Children-By Dr Stella Muthuri
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Dr. Stella Muthuri research aimed at investigating the prevalence of, and factors associated with physical activity and overweight/obesity among school aged children in Kenya and Canada. This research involved examining the influence of social determinants of health such as school...
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Is a Fruitarian diet for you?
So what exactly is a fruitarian diet you ask? You have probably heard of a vegetarian or vegan diet. In case you haven’t, here is a simple definition: A vegetarian is someone who does not consume meat and a vegan...
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The Crazy Project: Talking About Mental Health
The mental health commission of Canada reports that one in five Canadians experiences a mental health problem or illness, with a cost to the countries economy of well in excess of $50 billion. That only "one in three people who experience...
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Wars Against Women Female Genital Mutilation
The estimate worldwide is that more than 130 million girls and women have undergone the procedure of FGM. The origins of female circumcision or FGM have been lost in antiquity, but the practice remains prevalent in East and West Africa,...
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