
Guideline to Affordable Nairobi Shopping experience
In Nairobi, we have second hand, open space vendor markets that are the best place to shop current trends. In a city where high end labels are not sold in malls, you can never go wrong with the markets. The...
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Hussein Mohammed dreams of having the most lucrative football league in Africa
Africans love football, in fact, football is a religion in Africa. 50% of the population watched some part of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The final game of the UEFA Champions League in May 2015 attracted over 20 million African...
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Experience the Nairobi Night Life
The Green City in the DarkKenya’s capital, Nairobi, is one of the most popular destinations in Africa.The place also known as the green city under the sun for its lush undergrowth and its serene environment derives its name from the...
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East African Safari and the Big Five
East African Safari : Here's why you should take a Safari to East Africa. If you're a tourist in the East Africa region, especially in Kenya and Tanzania, then a “safari” should be on top of your 'to do list'....
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Interview with Sam Gichuru; CEO Nailab
Sam Gichuru is the CEO of Nailab, a Nairobi Kenya based business incubator and startup accelerator that offers a 3 - 6 month entrepreneurship program with focus on growing innovative technology driven ideas. Startups like Hisa play and Keja hunt...
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Wazatele Acquisition by AFB
  Wazatele Acquisition by AFB                                             This year has been a year of great milestones for the larger Nailab...
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President Kenyatta’s Statement On Terror Attack
UHURU KENYATTA This morning, a group of armed terrorists forcefully entered the Westgate Mall in Nairobi’s Parklands area and unleashed senseless violence upon customers and workers. They have killed at least 39 innocent people and injured more than 150 others....
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Exclusive Interview With East Africa’s HipHop Sensation “VoodooSeller”
How many African Hip Hop artists do you know? Could you name five? Of those five, who is your favourite? While hiphop in America has slowly lost its cutting edge, or if your Nas "dead"! In Africa its the opposite....
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African Fashion – Kenya’s Kiko Romeo Goes To London
Kenya's Kiko Romeo goes to London. After completing fashion design studies in Rome, followed by years working as a designer in Barcelona, Scottish born Ann McCreath took a three-month break doing aid work in Kenya. Finding it fascinating, she stayed...
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