
Chernor Bah | Leading the Global Feminist Revolution from Sierra Leone
Chernor Bah, from Sierra Leone, is one of the world’s leading Feminist activists. In 2018, Chernor led and helped create a movement called “The Black Tuesday” that helped push Sierra Leone to declare Rape a national emergency and thus change...
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Rise of Youth Leadership in Africa
What do leaders like the late Tom Mboya ,the late Prof. Wangari Mathai, Kwame Nkrumah have in common? Their actions were able to change the perception of young people towards leadership, a living proof that one individual can make a...
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The Emancipation Of Women… Speech By Thomas Sankara
You are our mothers, life companions, our comrades in struggle and because of this fact you should by right affirm yourselves as equal partners in the joyful victory feasts of the revolution. We must restore to humanity your true
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Leadership 101!!
What is leadership? Who is a leader? Are leaders only elected or anyone can be a leader? What does leaders do anyways? What do you think about when you hear the word "leaders"? Even more interesting, who do you think...
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