
TAP Magazine Issue 18 – Out Now
TAP Fam, Issue 18 of TAP Magazine is OUT NOW!! It is the largest body of work on the State of Podcasting in Africa. A labour of love and a collaboration with @afripods, this special issue has over 80 contributors...
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We have put together a list of ten African scientists who have made strides in their fields of expertise and who you should make a point of reading about and sharing their work with your friends and family; and especially...
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Covid_19 Impact on NGO’S in Africa – An Interview with Noëlla Musunka | Founder at Malaika ORG
As part of TAP Magazine Issue 14, we asked different leaders and expert to discuss how their specific fields, work and industries have been impacted by Covid_19. This is the interview, Noella Coursaris Musunka, founder of Malaika discusses how the...
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‘African of the Year’ 2017 | A New TAP Magazine Issue
We are pleased to name Aliume Damala Badara Thiam, popularly known as AKON as TAP Magazine ‘African of the Year’ 2017.
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Natural Hair 101 – How to care for & Grow your Natural Hair
As you’ve probably seen on the internets, naturalistas refer to it as a natural hair journey because it is indeed a journey. For many of us, we grew up with chemically altered relaxed hair and essentially had no idea of...
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Re-thinking the future of African cities | Christian Benimana
The increased pressure on cities demand immediate and exuberant action, we need to have a clear vision and start acting today to ensure that this is not a calamity in the making.
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Re-thinking the future of African cities | Christian Benimana
The increased pressure on cities demand immediate and exuberant action, we need to have a clear vision and start acting today to ensure that this is not a calamity in the making.
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Food & Race – An interview with Eden Hagos, CEO of
Black Foodie is an online platform that explores food through a Black lens, celebrating the best of African, Caribbean and Southern cuisine. We create & curate unique content, experiences and products that celebrate food & life from a Black perspective.
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Experience the Accra Nightlife | Tap Magazine
Accra’s air, around Osu, Airport, Labadi, Jamestown, is not only refreshing to breathe in, but can actually be tasted. Accra is Africa’s favorite city, and it’s not for nothing. Accra’s air, around Osu, Airport, Labadi, Jamestown, is not only refreshing...
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Ali Speaks – A Tribute to Muhammad Ali
Ali was one of the most influential human being of the last century; his name will forever be mentioned in the company of people like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi and Martin Luther King. All this is pretty exceptional considering that Ali...
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