
Kae Sun speaks Canary Ep, life in Montreal and a New Album
The two-year break were a time when I was figuring out the situation around the album, including how it is going to be released, who was going to release etc. since I also had a change in management.
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Shad – My African Story
As debates about globalism rage across the West, I am one of many people for whom “country” and “home” could never be simple concepts. I can’t help but understand my African story as one bound up in a much larger...
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Bob Marley – 7 things you didn’t know!
February 6th 2015 marked Bob Marley’s 70th birthday. As the world celebrates, we want to have a look at the life of the King of Reggae; a man who is the definition of one manifesting own destiny. Bob had a...
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Shadrach Kabango : An Interview with Rwandan/Canadian Juno Award winning rapper
Shadrach Kabango. We’ve all found out a new song or artist and we were left asking ourselves where they have been all our life!! Well, if you haven’t heard of Shadrach Kabango also known as Shad K, you’re guaranteed the...
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Gordon Koang Duoth – The Beacon Of South Sudan
Gordon Koang Duoth - The Beacon Of South Sudan The legendary Gordon Koang Duoth landed in Calgary, Alberta on September 18, 2013. It was an emotional moment for the South Sudanese community here in Alberta. Many of the people have...
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Masey, Young African taking French Rap By Storm In Canada
My artist name is Masey, real name Christian Masena. I was born on the 26th of June 1988 in Kinshasa DRcongo. I first came to Canada when I was 11 years old and went  back to Congo 2 years after...
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Exclusive Interview With East Africa’s HipHop Sensation “VoodooSeller”
How many African Hip Hop artists do you know? Could you name five? Of those five, who is your favourite? While hiphop in America has slowly lost its cutting edge, or if your Nas "dead"! In Africa its the opposite....
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Fred Zink, The Unsung Hero Of Ugandan Music
As human beings, we have a tendency to be stubborn and naive towards those among us that rise up and make a contribution to our community. We ignore them, when they stumble, we bask in their little botches. We enjoy...
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Exclusive Interview With East Africa’s HipHop Sensation “VoodooSeller”
How many African Hip Hop artists do you know? Could you name five? Of those five, who is your favourite? While hiphop in America has slowly lost its cutting edge, or if your Nas "dead"! In Africa its the opposite....
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Meet Alicios Theluji – East Africa’s singing sensation
Born Alice Zeluji (Zeluji is the same as Theluji; except that Zeluji is with a Congolese Swahili accent) in the Democratic republic of Congo, Kivu Province, Alicios has quickly claimed the respect of her peers, fans, music executives, industry producers...
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