Nyabuoy Gatbel


Nyabuoy Gatbel

Nyabuoy Gatbel is a South Sudanese Canadian model, poet, author, human rights activist and media entrepreneur. She focuses her work on short stories on South Sudan, refugees experiences, women rights and issues within the African community and the inns and outs of fashion and modelling as well as spoken word. She regularly makes radio and television appearances and she’s a contributor to the African Perspective Magazine among other medias.

In particular, she’s interested in the relationships and dynamics of the South Sudanese global community often focusing on the difference of opinion among elders and youths as well as among the dialogues that exists between both the Dinka and Nuel communities.

Nyabuoy Gatbel

Nyabuoy Gatbel

Nyabuoy Gatbel

Nyabuoy Gatbel

Adora Nwofor

Nyabuoy GatbelNyabuoy Gatbel

South Sudanese Canadian, Model, Blogger and Entrepreneur

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