Tap Speaks With Shad K; “The Art Of Story Telling”. Five Takeaways


Tap Speaks hosted its first ever live online event “The Art of Storytelling” with Shadrach Kabango. A Juno Award winning Rwandan/Canadian artist; Shad is one of Canada’s premier storytellers who has taken over the national/international scenes by showcasing his expressive, lethal yet socially conscience storytelling ability. Just last year, Shad was ranked by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) second on their list of “25 greatest Canadian rappers ever”; Topping household names such as K’naan, K-os, Saukrates, Drake among others. There was not a better person to kick start Tap Speaks – a project we hope will inform, challenge and empower the next generation of African youths.

Below are some of the key takeaways from the hangout

  1. As a storyteller, you must have a strong reason as to why you’re a storyteller. Shad for example loves telling stories because he enjoys playing with words. Taking words, combining them with ideas and life experiences and producing a record.
  2. As far as individual styles go, a storyteller must be flexible, continue to write and to tell stories until you figure out what works for you and what doesn’t! Continuous storytelling is the only way that one forges their storytelling style.
  3. In storytelling, like in any other aspect of life, try to come from a positive place. Be positive, encourage, entertain and inspire.
  4. The best way to overcome writers block is just to keep drafting notes, even if they are notes that you can’t use they will keep your mind in a creative space and soon enough you’ll be back in the full swing of things. Keep writing whatever ideas come to mind.
  5. As an artist and a writer, producing your first album or getting your first article published in a major publication is tough. Do not despair though, put one foot in front of the other and keep taking steps. Realize what you need and go step by step on your list; always one foot in front of the other.


TAP SPEAKS is built on the belief that “If you want to know you’re progressing both as an individual/community, you should be able to look up and there’s someone pulling you and you should be able to look down and you’re pulling someone up”.

Moses Mutabaruka.

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